January 21st – Returning Student Packets will be sent home with current GSIC students.
January 24th – Returning Student Packets are due.
January 27th-31st – Sibling Applications will be available. This application window is for students not currently enrolled in GSIC who have a sibling that is currently enrolled in GSIC. Sibling Applications are due by Jan. 31st.
February 5th – If we have more sibling applicants than available seats, a sibling lottery will be held in the school cafeteria at 6pm.
Once students are selected in the lottery, they will need to complete an enrollment packet and return it with supporting documents to the school office by March 28th.
February 6th-21st – New students may apply to attend GSIC. Admission Applications WILL NOT be available prior to Feb 6th. Applications will be available here on the school’s website or may be picked up at the front office on Feb 6th. To be included in the Open Lottery, applications must be received by Feb 21st.
Email completed applications to: rnewsome@gsiccharter.com.
February 25th – If we have more applicants than available seats, an open lottery will be held in the school cafeteria at 6pm. Once students are selected in the lottery, they will need to complete an enrollment packet and return it with supporting documents to the school office by March 28th.
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