Charter schools are free public schools open to any student who resides in the zone outlined by the charter, in the case of GSIC the attendance zone is a Georgia Statewide zone; therefore, the only requirement is Georgia residency.
They operate under the terms of a charter, or contract, established by an authorizer such as the State Charter Schools Commission. Charter schools are held accountable by the authorizing agency in the areas of high student academic achievement, sound financial management, and organizational stability.
The Georgia School for Innovation and the Classics is a public charter school that opened on September 8, 2015. GSIC is located at 5073 Storey Mill Road in Hephzibah, Georgia at the intersection of Storey Mill and Fulcher Roads.
Georgia School for Innovation and the Classics opened serving grades Kindergarten through sixth and expanded by one grade level per year. GSIC has a statewide attendance zone ensuring all Georgia resident students are eligible to attend.
GSIC is committed to excellence in all its endeavors, including integrating the core elements of a classical education centered on the three phases of the Classical Trivium: grammar (grades 1-4), logic (grades 5-8), and rhetoric (grades 9-12). There will be an emphasis on proven traditional teaching methods, higher order thinking skills and real-world, authentic learning experiences with classroom instruction. The critical thinking skills developed through continuous opportunities for active participation and the rigorous use of meaningful discussion throughout the curriculum will foster an ethic of self-leadership and be a platform for learning the four Classical Virtues: Wisdom, Justice, Temperance, and Courage.
Supplemented by at least four optional Career Pathways for secondary students including: Healthcare Science, Cyber Security, Sustainable Agriculture, and Entertainment Technology, students at GSIC will participate in unique civic, industry, and higher education partnerships.
Georgia School for Innovation and the Classics is authorized by the Georgia State Charter Schools Commission.
GSIC serves grades K-12.
Any student whose residence is within the state of Georgia.
GSIC welcomes all scholars and makes the necessary accommodations to ensure their success. This includes those in need of special education, gifted programs, and English language instruction.
No. As a state charter school authorized by the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia (SCSC), GSIC receives funding through the state budget and state public school funding formula (QBE), but GSIC will not receive any financial support from Richmond County or any other surrounding school district. GSIC does not receive financial support from local tax assessments.
GSIC will not provide transportation to or from school. We will work closely with our community partners to identify alternative ways to assist our students in coming to school.
GSIC believes that teacher certification is important to help ensure teachers will be effective in the classroom. We will strive to employ teachers with Georgia teaching certificates and who are considered “Highly Qualified” across core academic course as well as special needs programs such a gifted, special education, and ELL. However, in some limited cases we may utilize our flexibility to hire noncertified teachers who are exceptional educators in areas of flexibility and/or shortage; however, the quality of instruction will never be compromised and a rigorous, standards-based education will be delivered.
Charter schools are public schools and are funded through tax dollars similar to public schools within a school district. Each year, GSIC will receive funding from the State of Georgia based on the number of students it serves as calculated by a funding formula outlined in state law. One important difference between traditional public schools and GSIC is that GSIC will not receive any funding through local tax dollars collected by GSIC. Because GSIC is a state charter school approved by the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia it only receives state funding.
You should fill out the application available on the school’s website. GSIC serves all eligible students. There is no admission requirement to apply. GSIC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities.
No. All students are welcome to attend GSIC. GSIC serves all students and all students will have an equal opportunity for admission. However, if more students apply than spaces are available, applicants will be offered space through a random lottery. More information about the lottery process is available here.
Additionally, as provided in state law and the school’s charter contract, GSIC provides an enrollment priority for siblings of GSIC students and students who are children of faculty, staff, or the governing board.
GSIC is dedicated to serving all students regardless of his or her unique needs. GSIC’s academic model and emphasis on personalized learning strongly supports the needs of students with disabilities. As a public school, GSIC will comply with every aspect of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
GSIC embraces its role as safe and welcoming environment for students of all culture and ethnicities. GSIC will actively identify and support students learning English.
If more students apply to attend GSIC than there are available spaces, GSIC will utilize a random lottery process to offer spaces for enrollment. Parents of each student who have received a winning lottery number will receive notice via email within 24 hours of the lottery completion.
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